Tomorrow begins our preparation for Great and Holy Lent. It is the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee. Fr. Lev Gillet, of blessed memory, in his book entitled "The Year of Grace of the Lord" says much about this parable:
-it may be the most dangerous of all the parables
-the Pharisee was doing many good things, he fasts, tithes, and avoids the grosser sins
-the Pharisee does not take credit for his own good actions
-but, the Pharisee was not aware of his own shortcomings
-and, the Pharisee dares to compare himself, through pride, with another
-the publican confesses his sin, and stands humbly before God
-the publican throws himself completely at the mercy of God
Fr. Gillet questions whether we can completely condemn the Pharisee. Do we have his good works?
Fr. Gillet questions whether we can place ourselves on the level of the justified publican. Is our attitude exactly like that of the publican? Do we have the publican's humility and repentance?
These are questions that we would all do well to ask of ourselves as we begin the preparation for this Great and Holy time of our liturgical year.